Izdelki za ličinke bsfname (3)



Beratungsdienstleistung im Verpackungsdesign und Markendesign. Dank unserer Expertise in der Getränkewelt unterstützen wir Kunden bei der Entwicklung funktionaler und skalierbarer Marken und Produkte.


Alex installa banchi e celle frigorifere e abbattitori di temperatura. Progetta e realizza impianti per grandi cucine, mense scolastiche e aziendali, arredamenti completi con servizio "chiavi in mano". Arredamenti su misura in acciaio inox e non. Vende e ripara affettatrici, registratori di cassa telematici e bilance.
BUBBLE strategija

BUBBLE strategija

Strategic consultancy service that guides customers in defining their business objectives, developing a clear "road to market" for the launch of new products. It also supports the validation of the business idea through market analysis, tests and real feedback, optimizing the path to success.